Monday, March 24, 2008

The Importance of Family

I have always found family extremely important in my life but since our little bundle of joy came along, it is not just important, it is vital. We both want Kins to know her family and for her family to know her. Family is more than just blood relations and trustworthy babysitters, it is who we are. Every member of our family molds and shapes us in some way. Even if there is very little contact, that creates who we are. So that being said, take the time to create lasting memories with your family! Don't sit in another room and watch the game, interact. Get creative...send letters, pictures, art work. Share with people your favorite memory of them. Plan to get together (especially over food!!). Don't take a moment with your family for granted. Treat every second like a precious gift. So, stop reading this blog and go send a e-mail, text message, make that phone call, or just go hug your family. 


Casey said...

So is it being pregnant, a parent, a wife, a family member or all the above that I cried reading all your BLOGS!!!
I totally understand now the meaning, "enjoy the first year because it DOES go fast." And like you, I would smile and say "I am..." now I am one of those Mommys that says it to the new Mommys or mommas to be. It just gets faster and faster - I just want to wiggle my nose and make the world stop spinning. But I will say life with Ellie has been a roller coaster that I don't ever want to get off.
Thanks for the good cry - I guess I needed that.
And WELCOME to the
Love ya
Love us - CB

Cheri w/ a "C" said...

hey - welcome to bloggersland!!! yeah!!! now we can stay current w/ what's going on in your world! we miss you all so much! we have one request... pix!!!! when you can - upload some pix - if possible! Yes - it all goes fast... i blinked my eyes... and my first baby is on the brink of her teens! my heart lurches at the tho't! love to all! and kisses to kins!